Veterans Administration

Makhija H, Fine JM, Pollack D, Novelli F, Davidson JE, Cotton SA, Diaz De Leon B, Reyes PA, Montoya JL, Arroyo-Novoa CM, Figueroa-Ramos MI, Song[...]

By sjmartinez • July 17, 2023

Ahmadi A, Duval VF, Bartlett JD, Hofer IS, Mafi J, Villaflores CWA, Sarkisian CA. Examining patient perspectives on low-value care: Findings from a survey on[...]

By sjmartinez • July 13, 2023

Robertson DJ, Dominitz JA, Beed A, Boardman KD, Del Curto BJ, Guarino PD, Imperiale TF, LaCasse A, Larson MF, Gupta S, Lieberman D, Planeta B,[...]

By sjmartinez • July 12, 2023

Mareninova OA, Gretler SR, Lee GE, Pimienta M, Qin Y, Elperin JM, Ni J, Razga Z, Gukovskaya AS, Gukovsky I. Ethanol inhibits pancreatic acinar cell[...]

By sjmartinez • July 11, 2023

Ma Y, Zhang L, Zeng R, Jiang R, Luo D, Wu H, Zhuo Z, Yang Q, Li J, Leung FW, Duan C, Sha W, Chen[...]

By sjmartinez • July 11, 2023

Cho JM, Poon MLS, Zhu E, Wang J, Butcher JT, Hsiai T. Quantitative 4D imaging of biomechanical regulation of ventricular growth and maturation. Curr Opin[...]

By sjmartinez • July 10, 2023

Luther VP, Barsoumian AE, Konold VJL, Vijayan T, Balba G, Benson C, Blackburn B, Cariello P, Perloff S, Razonable R, Acharya K, Azar MM, Bhanot[...]

By sjmartinez • July 4, 2023

Unfer V, Koch CA, Benvenga S, Leung AM. Editorial: Dietary supplements for preserving thyroid health: the scientific evidence-based view. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2023 Jun 13;14:1213082.[...]

By sjmartinez • July 4, 2023

Chang JL, Goldberg AN, Alt JA, Mohammed A, Ashbrook L, Auckley D, Ayappa I, Bakhtiar H, Barrera JE, Bartley BL, Billings ME, Boon MS, Bosschieter[...]

By sjmartinez • June 29, 2023

Hazime H, Ducasa GM, Santander AM, Brito N, González EE, Ban Y, Kaunitz J, Akiba Y, Fernández I, Burgueño JF, Abreu MT. Intestinal Epithelial Inactivity[...]

By sjmartinez • June 28, 2023