Veterans Administration
Throughout Southern California, department of medicine (DoM) faculty are providing essential medical care to communities in high need. You may find faculty at community hospital[...]
Ong WL, Nikitas J, Joseph D, Steigler A, Millar J, Valle L, Steinberg ML, Martin T, Reiter RE, Rettig MB, Nickols NG, Chang A, Zaorsky[...]
Mello MG, Westerhausen MT, Lockwood TE, Singh P, Wanagat J, Bishop DP. Immunolabelling perturbs the endogenous and antibody-conjugated elemental concentrations during immuno-mass spectrometry imaging. Anal[...]
Weiner M, Rinne ST, Haggstrom DA, Yano EM. Advancing the Science of Electronic Health Record Transitions. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 Oct 5. doi: 10.1007/s11606-023-08333-x.[...]
Cordasco KM, Gable AR, Ganz DA, Brunner JW, Smith AJ, Hertz B, Post EP, Fix GM. Cerner Millennium's Care Pathways for Specialty Care Referrals: Provider[...]
Cogan AM, Rinne ST, Weiner M, Simon S, Davila J, Yano EM. Using Research to Transform Electronic Health Record Modernization: Advancing a VA Partnered Research[...]
Mori S, Beyer RS, Bernardes de Souza B, Sorg JM, Hoover DB, Sacks HS, Fishbein MC, Chang G, Peacock WJ, St John MA, Law J,[...]
Gandhi MM, Nguyen KL, Lake JE, Liao D, Khodabakhshian A, Guerrero M, Shufelt CL, Merz CNB, Jordan WC, Daar ES, Bhattacharya D, Chew KW. Proprotein[...]
Muula GK, Bosomprah S, Sinkala E, Nsokolo B, Musonda T, Hamusonde K, Bhattacharya D, Lauer G, Chung RT, Mulenga LB, Wandeler G, Vinikoor MJ. Hepatitis[...]
The Department of Medicine at UCLA is pleased to announce that Chris Moriates, MDhas been appointed chief of the Hospitalist Section at the VA Greater Los[...]