Each day, I receive a report of the inpatient medicine hospital census at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center. For[...]
Bull Haaversen AC, Brekke LK, Kermani TA, Molberg Ø, Diamantopoulos AP. Extended ultrasound examination identifies more large vessel involvement in patients with giant cell arteritis.[...]
Spiera R, Kuwana M, Khanna D, Hummers L, Frech TM, Stevens W, Matucci-Cerinic M, Kafaja S, Distler O, Jun JB, Levy Y, Leszcyzński P, Gordon[...]
Charles-Schoeman C, Wang J, Shahbazian A, Wilhalme H, Brook J, Kaeley GS, Oganesian B, Ben-Artzi A, Elashoff DA, Ranganath VK. Power doppler ultrasound signal predicts[...]
Ayoglu B, Donato M, Furst DE, Crofford LJ, Goldmuntz E, Keyes-Elstein L, James J, Macwana S, Mayes MD, McSweeney P, Nash RA, Sullivan KM, Welch[...]
Weisman MH. Scleroderma: Best Approaches to Patient Care. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2023 May;49(2):xvii-xviii. doi: 10.1016/j.rdc.2023.02.001. PMID: 37028850.
Karpouzas GA, Papotti B, Ormseth SR, Palumbo M, Hernandez E, Adorni MP, Zimetti F, Budoff MJ, Ronda N. ATP-binding cassette G1 membrane transporter-mediated cholesterol efflux[...]
Each week, faculty and trainees in the department of medicine (DoM) co-author many publications that make important contributions to knowledge. The numbers have been as[...]
Young A, Kaldas M, Khan Y. Painful blue fingers. J Fam Pract. 2023 Mar;72(2):E9-E11. doi: 10.12788/jfp.0557. PMID: 36947784.
McAuley GE, Yiu G, Chang PC, Newby GA, Campo-Fernandez B, Fitz-Gibbon ST, Wu X, Kang SL, Garibay A, Butler J, Christian V, Wong RL, Everette[...]