Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Mak S, Ash G, Liang LJ, Der-Mcleod E, Ghadimi S, Kewalramani A, Naeem S, Zeidler M, Fung C. Testing a consumer wearables program to promote[...]
Girardi M, Roman MA, Porszasz J, Stringer WW, Rennard S, Ferguson C, Rossiter HB, Casaburi R. A Novel Method for Determining Ventilatory and Gas Exchange[...]
Sciurba FC, Christenson SA, Rheault T, Bengtsson T, Rickard K, Barjaktarevic IZ. Dual Phosphodiesterase 3 and 4 Inhibitor Ensifentrine Reduces Exacerbation Rate and Risk in[...]
Madrigal J, Mukdad L, Verma A, Benharash P, St John MA. Association of Safety-Net Hospital Status With Outcomes Following Head and Neck Cancer Operations. Otolaryngol[...]
Hong J, Medzikovic L, Sun W, Wong B, Ruffenach G, Rhodes CJ, Brownstein A, Liang LL, Aryan L, Li M, Vadgama A, Kurt Z, Schwantes-An[...]
Wilkinson JD, Wilhalme H, Cooper CB, Barjaktarevic IZ, Tashkin DP. Duration and Frequency of Spirometry Needed to Accurately Reflect Annualized Change of FEV1 in COPD. Ann[...]
Evans LK, Chen H, Taki Labib M, Cronkite DA, Yu AC, Ashendouek M, Elashoff D, Chai-Ho W, Wong DJ, St John M. Improved Survival of[...]
Curtis JL, Bateman LA, Murray S, Couper DJ, Labaki WW, Freeman CM, Arnold KB, Christenson SA, Alexis NE, Kesimer M, Boucher RC, Kaner RJ, Barjaktarevic[...]
Macrea M, Casaburi R, ZuWallack R, Malhotra A, Oursler KA. Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of moderate intensity interval training in individuals with chronic[...]
Hixson R, Jensen KS, Melamed KH, Qadir N. Device associated complications in the intensive care unit. BMJ. 2024 Aug 13;386:e077318. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-077318. PMID: 39137947.