
Brownell N, Kay C, Parra D, Anderson S, Ballister B, Cave B, Conn J, Dev S, Kaiser S, Rogers J, Touloupas AD, Verbosky N, Yassa[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023

Calsavara VF, Henry NL, Hays RD, Kim S, Luu M, Diniz MA, Gresham G, Cecchini RS, Yothers G, Ganz PA, Rogatko A, Tighiouart M. Dynamic[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023

Tobias DK, Manning AK, Wessel J, Raghavan S, Westerman KE, Bick AG, Dicorpo D, Whitsel EA, Collins J, Correa A, Cupples LA, Dupuis J, Goodarzi[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023

Rizzolo K, Cervantes L, Wilhalme H, Vasilyev A, Shen JI. Differences in Outcomes by Place of Origin among Hispanic Patients with Kidney Failure. J Am[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023

Bhatt AS, Vaduganathan M, Claggett BL, Fonarow GC, Packer M, Pfeffer MA, Shah SJ, Shen X, Cristino J, McMurray JJV, Solomon SD, Gaziano TA. Health[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023

Alsen M, Leung AM, van Gerwen M. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Community Water Systems (CWS) and the Risk of Thyroid Cancer: An Ecological[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023

Ostrominski JW, Arnold SV, Butler J, Fonarow GC, Hirsch JS, Palli SR, Donato BMK, Parrinello CM, O'Connell T, Collins EB, Woolley JJ, Kosiborod MN, Vaduganathan[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023

Kim JR, Kim PH, Presnell A, Tu Y, Young SG. Revisiting the truncated lamin A produced by a commonly used strain of Lmna knockout mice. Nucleus. 2023[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023

Wechsler EV, Ahuja NK, Brenner D, Chan W, Chang L, Chey WD, Lembo AJ, Moshiree B, Nee J, Shah SC, Staller K, Shah ED. Up-Front[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023

Kudo M, Finn RS, Galle PR, Zhu AX, Ducreux M, Cheng AL, Ikeda M, Tsuchiya K, Aoki KI, Jia J, Lencioni R. IMbrave150: Efficacy and[...]

By sjmartinez • September 28, 2023