
Simpson BK, Rangwani R, Abbasi A, Chung JM, Reed CM, Gulati T. Disturbed laterality of non-rapid eye movement sleep oscillations in post-stroke human sleep: a[...]

By sjmartinez • December 15, 2023

Ansari S, Pourafkari L, Kinninger A, Manubolu V, Budoff MJ. Risk stratifying individuals with zero, minimal, and mild coronary artery calcium for cardiovascular disease by[...]

By sjmartinez • December 15, 2023

Leung FW. Percutaneous coronary intervention and GI hemorrhage: need for accurate predictors of the link to rebleeding. Gastrointest Endosc. 2024 Jan;99(1):21-22. doi: 10.1016/j.gie.2023.09.024. PMID: 38097308.

By sjmartinez • December 15, 2023

Gandhi SA, Min B, Fazio JC, Johannson KA, Steinmaus C, Reynolds CJ, Cummings KJ. The Impact of Occupational Exposures on the Risk of Idiopathic Pulmonary[...]

By sjmartinez • December 15, 2023

Gianoukakis AG, Choe JH, Bowles DW, Brose MS, Wirth L, Owonikoko T, Babajanyan S, Worden FP. Real-World Practice Patterns and Outcomes for RAI-Refractory Differentiated Thyroid[...]

By sjmartinez • December 15, 2023

Selamet U, Ahdoot RS, Salasnek R, Abdelnour L, Hanna RM. Onconephrology: mitigation of renal injury in chemotherapy administration. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2023 Dec 15.[...]

By sjmartinez • December 15, 2023

Zhang X, Wang H, Kilpatrick LA, Dong TS, Gee GC, Labus JS, Osadchiy V, Beltran-Sanchez H, Wang MC, Vaughan A, Gupta A. Discrimination exposure impacts[...]

By sjmartinez • December 14, 2023

Lewis MI, Shapiro S, Oudiz RJ, Nakamura M, Geft D, Matusov Y, Hage A, Tapson VF, Henry TD, Azizad P, Saggar R, Mirocha J, Karpov[...]

By sjmartinez • December 14, 2023

Shechter A, Vaturi M, Hong GJ, Kaewkes D, Patel V, Seok M, Nagasaka T, Koren O, Koseki K, Skaf S, Makar M, Chakravarty T, Makkar[...]

By sjmartinez • December 14, 2023

Fung SSM, Boghosian T, Perez C, Yu F, Coleman A, Gordon L, Ali A, Pineles S. Epidemiology of Pediatric Ocular Surface Inflammatory Diseases in the[...]

By sjmartinez • December 14, 2023