Message from the Chair
By the time this fiscal year ends in 3 days, faculty in the department of medicine (DoM) would have logged in excess of 2 million[...]
Earlier this week I was privileged to attend the 2022 STAR Program graduation and delivered the keynote address. VIEW PICTURES HERE The STAR (Specialty Training and[...]
This week, I held the third of the department’s regional wellness town halls with faculty who practice in the northwest region. 120 faculty members attended![...]
In the life cycle of our education enterprise, June is a month of transitions highlighted by graduations. Last week, my younger brother reminded me that his[...]
For most of you, I hope that you had a chance to get some rest, enjoy time with family over the Memorial Day Weekend and[...]
It is not hard to notice as you drive around certain parts of Greater Los Angeles, the ubiquitous UCLA Health signage marking clinics and practices[...]
As an academic department of medicine, one of our core missions is ensuring that we train the next generation of physicians. Although our immediate focus[...]
This has been a meaningful week for the department of medicine (DoM) in many ways. I will start with last Wednesday’s visit from the US Centers[...]
The department of medicine (DoM) develops tomorrow’s leaders in medicine. This should not be taken for granted. Nor should it be assumed that the outcome[...]
This is a special time of year for us in the department of medicine (DoM). The current chief residents are winding down and preparing to[...]