Infectious Diseases
Mei JY, Mok T, Cambou MC, Fuller T, Fajardo VM, Kerin T, Han CS, Nielsen-Saines K, Rao R. Can prenatal ultrasound predict adverse neonatal outcomes[...]
Yang S, Multani A, Garrigues JM, Oh MS, Hemarajata P, Burleson T, Green NM, Oliai C, Gaynor PT, Beaird OE, Winston DJ, Seet CS, Schaenman[...]
Kim JT, Bresson-Tan G, Zack JA. Current Advances in Humanized Mouse Models for Studying NK Cells and HIV Infection. Microorganisms. 2023 Aug 2;11(8):1984. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms11081984.[...]
Kelesidis T, Sharma M, Sharma E, Ruedisueli I, Tran E, Middlekauff HR. Chronic Electronic Cigarette Use and Atherosclerosis Risk in Young People: A Cross-Sectional Study-Brief[...]
Fowler VG, Durack DT, Selton-Suty C, Athan E, Bayer AS, Chamis AL, Dahl A, DiBernardo L, Durante-Mangoni E, Duval X, Fortes CQ, Fosbøl E, Hannan[...]
Swindells S, Eschenauer GA, Nason M, Daar ES. Zinc and Coronavirus Disease 2019. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Aug 22;77(4):662. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad229. PMID: 37072885.
Phan QT, Solis NV, Cravener MV, Swidergall M, Lin J, Huang MY, Liu H, Singh S, Ibrahim AS, Mazzone M, Mitchell AP, Filler SG. Candida[...]
Cheng Z, Stefani C, Skillman T, Klimas A, Lee A, DiBernardo EF, Brown KM, Milman T, Gallagher BR, Lagree K, Jena BP, Pulido J, Mitchell[...]
Meeting our DoM Colleagues and Trainees in the Northeast San Fernando Valley For decades, our department has forged a productive partnership with the Olive-View UCLA[...]
Clark JL, Oldenburg CE, Passaro RC, Segura ER, Godwin W, Fulcher JA, Cabello R. Changes in Inflammatory Cytokine Levels in Rectal Mucosa Associated with Neisseria[...]