
Zhang J, McAndrew NP, Wang X, Du Y, DiCarlo B, Wang M, Chen K, Yu W, Hu X. Preclinical and clinical activity of DZD1516, a[...]

By sjmartinez • July 7, 2023

Bakaloudi DR, Talukder R, Lin GI, Makrakis D, Diamantopoulos LN, Tripathi N, Agarwal N, Zakopoulou R, Bamias A, Brown JR, Pinato DJ, Korolewicz J, Jindal[...]

By sjmartinez • July 7, 2023

Kaunitz JD, Bejjani A. Very Unstable Genetics: How the Confluence of Microsatellite Instability and Immunotherapy Revolutionized the Treatment of Colon Cancer. Dig Dis Sci. 2023[...]

By sjmartinez • July 5, 2023

Ahmed N, Wesson W, Mushtaq MU, Porter DL, Nasta SD, Brower J, Bachanova V, Hu M, Nastoupil LJ, Oluwole OO, Patel VG, Oliai C, Riedell[...]

By sjmartinez • July 5, 2023

Li S, Zeng W, Ni X, Liu Q, Li W, Stackpole ML, Zhou Y, Gower A, Krysan K, Ahuja P, Lu DS, Raman SS, Hsu[...]

By sjmartinez • July 4, 2023

Shitara K, Di Bartolomeo M, Mandala M, Ryu MH, Caglevic C, Olesinski T, Chung HC, Muro K, Goekkurt E, McDermott RS, Mansoor W, Wainberg ZA,[...]

By sjmartinez • July 4, 2023

July marks an exciting time of year in the department of medicine (DoM). During this time, we welcome many new members into our community. They[...]

By sjmartinez • July 3, 2023

Schiller GJ, Lipe BC, Bahlis NJ, Tuchman SA, Bensinger WI, Sutherland HJ, Lentzsch S, Baljevic M, White D, Kotb R, Chen CI, Rossi A, Biran[...]

By sjmartinez • July 2, 2023

Garon EB, Reck M, Nishio K, Heymach JV, Nishio M, Novello S, Paz-Ares L, Popat S, Aix SP, Graham H, Butts BD, Visseren-Grul C, Nakagawa[...]

By sjmartinez • July 2, 2023

Bardia A, Jhaveri K, Kalinsky K, Pernas S, Tsurutani J, Xu B, Hamilton E, Im SA, Nowecki Z, Sohn J, Laurentiis M, Jañez NM, Adamo[...]

By sjmartinez • June 30, 2023