Gradishar WJ, Moran MS, Abraham J, Abramson V, Aft R, Agnese D, Allison KH, Anderson B, Burstein HJ, Chew H, Dang C, Elias AD, Giordano[...]
Benson AB, Venook AP, Al-Hawary MM, Azad N, Chen YJ, Ciombor KK, Cohen S, Cooper HS, Deming D, Garrido-Laguna I, Grem JL, Hecht JR, Hoffe[...]
Ziyeh S, Wong L, Basho RK. Advances in Endocrine Therapy for Hormone Receptor-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer. Curr Oncol Rep. 2023 Jul;25(7):689-698. doi: 10.1007/s11912-023-01393-6. Epub 2023[...]
Graduation season is upon us. Each year, I experience great joy celebrating the achievements of our medical students and trainees as they begin the next[...]
Clifton GT, Rothenberg M, Ascierto PA, Begley G, Cecchini M, Eder JP, Ghiringhelli F, Italiano A, Kochetkova M, Li R, Mechta-Grigoriou F, Pai SI, Provenzano[...]
Peng K, Nowicki TS, Campbell K, Vahed M, Peng D, Meng Y, Nagareddy A, Huang YN, Karlsberg A, Miller Z, Brito J, Nadel B, Pak[...]
Lundberg A, Zhang M, Aggarwal R, Li H, Zhang L, Foye A, Sjöström M, Chou J, Chang K, Moreno-Rodriguez T, Shrestha R, Baskin A, Zhu[...]
Marquez-Garban DC, Morales Martinez M, Pietras RJ. Estradiol Induces Neutrophil Expansion to Promote TSC-Null Tumor Progression. Endocrinology. 2023 Jun 8:bqad093. doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqad093. Epub ahead of[...]
Hecht JR, Mitchell J, Morelli MP, Anandappa G, Yang JC. Next-Generation Approaches to Immuno-Oncology in GI Cancers. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2023 Jun;43:e389072.[...]
Shirazipour CH, Stone RC, Lithopoulos A, Capaldi JM, Latimer-Cheung AE. Examining the Impact of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games on Explicit Perceptions of Paralympians and[...]