El Zarif T, Nassar AH, Pond GR, Zhuang TZ, Master V, Nazha B, Niglio S, Simon N, Hahn AW, Pettaway CA, Tu SM, Abdel-Wahab N,[...]
Majem M, Basch E, Cella D, Garon EB, Herbst RS, Leighl NB. Understanding health-related quality of life measures used in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer[...]
Chang PC, Yuan X, Zampieri A, Towns C, Yoo SP, Engstrom C, Tsai S, Robles CR, Zhu Y, Lopez S, Montel-Hagen A, Seet CS, Crooks[...]
Vogel A, Finn RS, Blanchet Zumofen MH, Heuser C, Alvarez JS, Leibfried M, Mitchell CR, Batson S, Redhead G, Gaillard VE, Kudo M. Atezolizumab in[...]
Moore KN, Angelergues A, Konecny GE, García Y, Banerjee S, Lorusso D, Lee JY, Moroney JW, Colombo N, Roszak A, Tromp J, Myers T, Lee[...]
O'Brien NA, McDermott MSJ, Zhang J, Gong KW, Lu M, Hoffstrom B, Luo T, Ayala R, Chau K, Liang M, Madrid AM, Donahue TR, Glaspy[...]
Lin TL, Jaiswal AK, Ritter AJ, Reppas J, Tran TM, Neeb ZT, Katzman S, Thaxton ML, Cohen A, Sanford JR, Rao DS. Targeting IGF2BP3 enhances[...]
Within the Department of Medicine (DoM) at UCLA, trainees are the heartbeat of our community. The medical students, residents, fellows, and postdocs who make up[...]
Llovet JM, Kudo M, Merle P, Meyer T, Qin S, Ikeda M, Xu R, Edeline J, Ryoo BY, Ren Z, Masi G, Kwiatkowski M, Lim[...]
Ma TM, Agarwal N, Mahal B, Barragan-Carrillo R, Spratt D, Rettig MB, Valle LF, Steinberg ML, Garraway I, Vapiwala N, Xiang M, Kishan AU. Racial[...]