Harbor UCLA
Merino P, Kupferwasser D, Flores EA, Phan Tran D, Ortega A, Miller LG. Skin and soft tissue infection incidence before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.[...]
Crane HM, Nance RM, Ruderman SA, Haidar L, Tenforde MW, Heckbert SR, Budoff MJ, Hahn AW, Drumright LN, Ma J, Mixson LS, Lober WB, Barnes[...]
Atla PR, Alao H, Reicher S. Endoscopic submucosal dissection versus endoscopic full-thickness resection for challenging colorectal lesions: Must we choose? Gastrointest Endosc. 2023 Dec;98(6):998-999. doi:[...]
Ali S, Lowe S, George JS, Brown C, Sanchez G, Pendergraph B. Reasons for emergency department visits of patients with opioid use disorder at an[...]
Cai J, Parnall T, Tomassetti S, Qing X. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma presenting as postmenopausal bleeding. Clin Case Rep. 2023 Nov 12;11(11):e8173. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.8173. PMID:[...]
Pak A, Chang E. Amantadine withdrawal in a patient with spinocerebellar ataxia. BMJ Case Rep. 2023 Nov 14;16(11):e256840. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2023-256840. PMID: 37963666.
Velazquez ID, Woo KK, Siddiqui M, Roy SK. Case Report: Culture-negative Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis. Curr Cardiol Rev. 2023;19(6):5-8. doi: 10.2174/1573403X19666230411151214. PMID: 37055889; PMCID: PMC10636796.
Ibad HA, Hathaway QA, Bluemke DA, Kasaeian A, Klein JG, Budoff MJ, Barr RG, Allison M, Post WS, Lima JAC, Demehri S. CT-derived pectoralis composition[...]
Jensen TO, Grandits GA, Jain MK, Murray TA, Grund B, Shaw-Saliba K, Matthay MA, Abassi M, Ardelt M, Baker JV, Chen P, Dewar RL, Goodman[...]
Curtis JR, Strand V, Golombek SJ, Karpouzas GA, Zhang L, Wong A, Patel K, Dines J, Akmaev VR. Decision Impact Analysis to Measure the Influence[...]