Harbor UCLA
Bell MT, Woo KK, Wu M, Yap C, Hsia DW, Reicher S. A Rare Case of Esophageal Carcinoma Cuniculatum Palliated by Esophageal and Endobronchial Stenting.[...]
Kim HJ, Koh HB, Heo GY, Kim HW, Park JT, Chang TI, Yoo TH, Kang SW, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Rhee C, Han SH. Higher Potassium Intake[...]
Listopad S, Magnan C, Day LZ, Asghar A, Stolz A, Tayek JA, Liu ZX, Jacobs JM, Morgan TR, Norden-Krichmar TM. Identification of integrated proteomics and[...]
Erhabor J, Boakye E, Dardari Z, Dzaye O, Soroosh G, Berman DS, Budoff MJ, Miedema MD, Nasir K, Rumberger JA, Shaw LJ, Johansen MC, Blaha[...]
Bravo CA, Moon JY, Davy K, Kaplan RC, Anastos K, Rodriguez CJ, Post WS, Gange SJ, Kassaye SG, Kingsley LA, Lazar JM, Mack WJ, Pyslar[...]
Nishiyama S, Seok JM, Wright AE, Lotan I, Mikami T, Drosu NC, Bobrowski-Khoury N, Anderson MR, Bilodeau PA, Schindler P, Paul F, Aoki M, Yeaman[...]
Awujoola AO, Mokikan MT, Odebunmi OO, Mamudu HM, Stewart DW, Husari G, Singh K, Grant C, Budoff M, Paul TK. Factors Associated With Myocardial Infarction[...]
Marshalek JP, Epistola R, Tomassetti S. Real-world treatment outcomes from a retrospective cohort of patients with acute myeloid leukemia from an urban safety net hospital.[...]
You AS, Norris KC, Kataoka-Yahiro M, Davis J, Page V, Hayashida G, Narasaki Y, Cheng SF, Ng R, Wong LL, Lee LY, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Rhee[...]
Zhang Y, Bharathi V, Dokoshi T, de Anda J, Ursery LT, Kulkarni NN, Nakamura Y, Chen J, Luo EWC, Wang L, Xu H, Coady A,[...]