Harbor UCLA
Bergersen KV, Zheng Y, Rossetti M, Ruffin F, Pickering H, Parmar R, Sunga G, Chan LC, Gjertson D, Fowler VG, Yeaman MR, Reed EF; MRSA[...]
Leduc C, Tomisawa N, Ronco C, Kalantar-Zadeh K. The history and future of online hemodiafiltration and online solutions in North America. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens.[...]
Luetkemeyer AF, Chew KW, Lacey S, Hughes MD, Harrison LJ, Daar ES, Eron J, Fletcher CV, Greninger AL, Hessinger D, Li JZ, Mailhot D, Wohl[...]
Lee PS, Frantzis I, Abeles SR. Greening Infection Prevention and Control: Multifaceted Approaches to a Sustainable Future. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Jul 3;12(2):ofae371. doi:[...]
Chan J, Jackson N, Gonzalez Rebollar A, Santana C, Perez de la Garza G, Moin T, Yee JK, Everett E. Association Between Self-Monitored Blood Glucose[...]
Zhou T, Solis NV, Marshall M, Yao Q, Pearlman E, Filler SG, Liu H. Fungal Als proteins hijack host death effector domains to promote inflammasome[...]
Martinez C, Haw NJ, Rodriguez VJ, Kizer JR, Post WS, Wu KC, Lima JAC, Wise JM, Alcaide ML, Plankey M, Konkle-Parker D, Kozlova S, Fischl[...]
Erbay MI, Manubolu VS, Stein-Merlob AF, Ferencik M, Mamas MA, Lopez-Mattei J, Baldassarre LA, Budoff MJ, Yang EH. Integration and Potential Applications of Cardiovascular Computed[...]
Cohen-Hagai K, Saban M, Antebi A, Benchetrit S, Nacasch N, Erez D, Wand O, Kitani A, Wald R, Kalantar-Zadeh K. Ethnicity, Patient Satisfaction and Clinical[...]
Maroofi A, Safari F, Abbasi A. BDNF-induced BDNF release: A virtuous loop for the cardioprotective effects of exercise in post-ischemic heart failure. Int J Cardiol[...]