Harbor UCLA
Bender Ignacio RA, Chew KW, Moser C, Currier JS, Eron JJ, Javan AC, Giganti MJ, Ritz J, Gibbs M, Kouekam HT, Esser MT, Daar ES,[...]
Poole DC, Rossiter HB. Measuring parameters of aerobic function during exercise: One protocol to rule them all? Exp Physiol. 2025 Mar 22. doi: 10.1113/EP092732. Epub[...]
Sábato S, Benet S, Rogers AJ, Murray TA, Skeans M, Mothe B, Paredes R, Mourad A, Kiweewa F, Kamel D, Jain MK, Lutaakome J, Nalubega[...]
Meng Y, Thornburg LL, Dreisbach C, Orzolek C, Kautz A, Murphy HR, Rivera-Núñez Z, Wang C, Miller RK, O'Connor TG, Barrett ES. The role of[...]
Reilly C, Mylonakis E, Dewar R, Young B, Nordwall J, Bhagani S, Chia PY, Davis R, Files C, Ginde AA, Hatlen T, Helleberg M, Hayanga[...]
Baldwin MM, Chadwick MR, Benson AP, Rossiter HB, Ferguson C. The Dynamics of Locomotor Neuromuscular Fatigue during Ramp-Incremental Cycling to Intolerance. Med Sci Sports Exerc.[...]
Leacy JK, Burns DP, Jendzjowsky NG, Braun C, Herrington BA, Wilson RJ, Vermeulen TD, Foster GE, Rosenberg AJ, Anderson GK, Rickards CA, Lucking EF, O'Halloran[...]
Delanaye P, Glassock RJ. A difficult path to point-of-care measurement of glomerular filtration rate. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2025 Mar 12. doi: 10.1038/s41581-025-00947-0. Epub ahead of[...]
Gu Y, Singh S, Alqarihi A, Alkhazraji S, Gebremariam T, Youssef EG, Liu H, Fan X, Jiang WR, Andes D, Cochrane TR, Schwartz JA, Filler[...]
Kaur M, Katz R, Criqui MH, Corr M, Post WS, Budoff M, Morris GP, Hughes-Austin JM. Associations of HLA-DRB1 shared epitope alleles with cardiovascular disease[...]