Quiñones ME, Joseph JK, Dowell S, Moore HJ, Karasik PE, Fonarow GC, Fletcher RD, Cheng Y, Zeng-Treitler Q, Arundel C, Liappis AP, Sheriff HM, Zhang[...]
Kramer BJ, Weintraub NT, Richter-Lagha RA. Infusing geriatrics in Indian Health Service general primary care clinics: Extending VA workforce development training. Gerontol Geriatr Educ. 2023[...]
Cardiovascular disease remains the major cause of death worldwide. Faculty in the cardiovascular division within our department, remain at the forefront of innovative patient care,[...]
Frochen S, Wong MS, Neil Steers W, Yuan A, Saliba D, Washington DL. Differential Associations of Mask Mandates on COVID-19 Infection and Mortality by Community[...]
Del Pino HE, Harawa NT, Shoptaw SJ, Schrode K, Karlamangla A. Drug Use, Family Support, and Depressive Symptoms Among Latinx Sexual Minority Men: A Longitudinal[...]
Maccalla NMG, Purnell D, McCreath HE, Dennis RA, Seeman T. Gauging treatment impact: The development of exposure variables in a large-scale evaluation study. New Dir[...]
Mukamel DB, Saliba D, Ladd H, Konetzka RT. Dementia Care Is Widespread In US Nursing Homes; Facilities With The Most Dementia Patients May Offer Better[...]
Fernandez D, Wilkins SS, Melrose RJ, Hall KM, Abbate LM, Morey MC, Castle SC, Zeng A, Lee CC. Physical Function Effects of Live Video Group[...]
Lindsay C, Shieh A. Prediabetes and skeletal health. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2023 May 30. doi: 10.1097/MED.0000000000000812. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37248797.
As we celebrate the accomplishments of our trainees and the students at the David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM) this graduation season, I am reminded[...]