
Carnahan RM, Saliba D. Anticonvulsant use in persons living with dementia: When is it justified? J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023 Jan;71(1):15-17. doi: 10.1111/jgs.18117. Epub 2022[...]

By sjmartinez • January 25, 2023

Lee J, Petrosyan S, Khobragade P, Banerjee J, Chien S, Weerman B, Gross A, Hu P, Smith JA, Zhao W, Aksman L, Jain U, Shanthi[...]

By sjmartinez • January 25, 2023

Kelly MR, Zeineddine S, Mitchell MN, Sankari A, Pandya N, Carroll S, Shamim-Uzzaman QA, Salloum A, Badr MS, Martin JL. Insomnia severity predicts depression, anxiety,[...]

By sjmartinez • January 21, 2023

Breda K, Keller MS, Gotanda H, Beland A, McKelvey K, Lin C, Rosen S. Geriatric fracture program centering age-friendly care associated with lower length of[...]

By sjmartinez • January 19, 2023

Each year as a country, we pause to remember the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose words (paraphrased) and spoken nearly 60 years[...]

By sjmartinez • January 17, 2023

Mukamel DB, Saliba D, Ladd H, Konetzka RT. Association of Staffing Instability With Quality of Nursing Home Care. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Jan 3;6(1):e2250389. doi:[...]

By sjmartinez • January 11, 2023

Ortiz R, Zhao S, Kline DM, Brock G, Carroll JE, Seeman TE, Jaffee SR, Berger JS, Golden SH, Carnethon MR, Joseph JJ. Childhood environment early[...]

By sjmartinez • January 5, 2023

Gabrielian S, Cordasco KM, Finley EP, Hoffmann LC, Harris T, Calderon RA, Barnard JM, Ganz DA, Olmos-Ochoa TT. Engaging stakeholders to inform national implementation of[...]

By sjmartinez • January 3, 2023

Welcome to 2023 and Happy New Year! I hope that you were able to use the year-end season to rest, reflect, recharge and prepare for[...]

By sjmartinez • January 3, 2023

Cordasco KM, Gable AR, Tan GJ, Yuan AH, Yip K, Khafaf M, Hays RD, Faiz JP, Chawla N, Ganz DA. Veteran knowledge, perceptions, and receipt[...]

By sjmartinez • December 30, 2022