General Internal Medicine
Garcia G Jr, Chakravarty N, Paiola S, Urena E, Gyani P, Tse C, French SW, Danielpour M, Breunig JJ, Nathanson DA, Arumugaswami V. Differential Susceptibility[...]
Khera R, Dhingra LS, Aminorroaya A, Li K, Zhou JJ, Arshad F, Blacketer C, Bowring MG, Bu F, Cook M, Dorr DA, Duarte-Salles T, DuVall[...]
Siddiqui M, Pillutla P. TIPS stent migration causing sinus of Valsalva rupture. BMJ Case Rep. 2023 Oct 10;16(10):e256103. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2023-256103. PMID: 37816573.
Inoue K, Guo R, Lee ML, Neverova NV, Ebrahimi R, Currier JW, Bashir MT, Leung AM. Iodine-Induced Hypothyroidism and Long-Term Risks of Incident Heart Failure.[...]
Tran H, Ai A, Gallardo-Huizar OE, Kahn M, Mathisen G. Vertebral osteomyelitis secondary to Streptococcus cristatus infection. Heliyon. 2023 Sep 2;9(9):e19616. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19616. PMID: 37809561; PMCID: PMC10558856.
Jadotte Y, Buchholz B, Carroll W, Frum-Vassallo D, MacPherson J, Cole S. Brief Action Planning in Health and Health Care: A Scoping Review. Med Clin[...]
Eapen BC. Burn Rehabilitation. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2023 Nov;34(4):xiii-xiv. doi: 10.1016/j.pmr.2023.07.004. Epub 2023 Aug 12. PMID: 37806705.
Throughout Southern California, department of medicine (DoM) faculty are providing essential medical care to communities in high need. You may find faculty at community hospital[...]
Weitzman ER, Minegishi M, Wisk L, Levy S. Substance Use and Educational Impacts in Youth With and Without Chronic Illness. Am J Prev Med. 2023[...]
Ong WL, Nikitas J, Joseph D, Steigler A, Millar J, Valle L, Steinberg ML, Martin T, Reiter RE, Rettig MB, Nickols NG, Chang A, Zaorsky[...]