General Internal Medicine
Faiz J, Blegen M, Nuñez V, Gonzalez D, Stokes DC, Truong K, Ryan G, Briggs-Malonson M, Kahn KL. Frontline perspectives on barriers to care for[...]
Janzen C, Lei MYY, Lee BR, Vangala S, DelRosario I, Meng Q, Ritz B, Liu J, Jerrett M, Chanlaw T, Choi S, Aliabadi A, Fortes[...]
Ikesu R, Wu Y, Zimmerman SC, Inoue K, Buto P, Power MC, Schaefer CA, Glymour MM, Mayeda ER. Representativeness of Participants in the ACCORD Trial[...]
Sakai-Bizmark R, Chang RR, Martin GR, Hom LA, Marr EH, Ko J, Goff DA, Mena LA, von Kohler C, Bedel LEM, Murillo M, Estevez D,[...]
Wong MS, Wells M, Zamanzadeh D, Akre S, Pevnick JM, Bui AAT, Gregory KD. Applying Automated Machine Learning to Predict Mode of Delivery Using Ongoing[...]
Ha EL, Glaeser AM, Wilhalme H, Braddock C. Assessing readiness: the impact of an experiential learning entrustable professional activity-based residency preparatory course. Med Educ Online.[...]
Soltero EG, Musaad SM, O'Connor TM, Thompson D, Norris K, Beech BM. Feasibility of Fit24, a Digital Diabetes Prevention Program for Hispanic Adolescents: Qualitative Evaluation[...]
Garcia AN, Venegas-Murrillo A, Martinez-Hollingsworth A, Smith LV, Wells K, Heilemann MV, Fischbach L, Cummings PL, Kuo T. Patterns of Health Care Access and Use[...]
Harris SJ, Golberstein E, Maclean JC, Stein BD, Ettner SL, Saloner B. How policymakers innovate around behavioral health: adoption of the New Mexico "No Behavioral[...]
Steiger A, VanderVeen NT, Kang EH, Weimer AK. Resolution of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis with estradiol in a transgender female: A case report. JPGN Rep. 2024 Feb[...]