General Internal Medicine
Hodson DZ, Repetti GG, Hoesterey DT, Jeon Y, Bachour K, Mempin RL, Wang TS, Levine M. A 77-Year-Old Woman With Capillary Hypoxia and Perioral Cyanosis.[...]
Everett EM, Wright D, Williams A, Divers J, Pihoker C, Liese AD, Bellatorre A, Kahkoska AR, Bell R, Mendoza J, Mayer-Davis E, Wisk LE. A[...]
Goodsmith N, Dossett EC, Gitlin R, Fenwick K, Ong JR, Hamilton A, Cordasco KM. Acceptability of Reproductive Goals Assessment in Public Mental Health Care. Health[...]
Rose DE, Oishi SM, Farmer MM, Bean-Mayberry B, Canelo I, Washington DL, Yano EM. Association Between Availability of Women's Health Services and Women Veterans' Care[...]
Kojima N, Brobeck M, Slepnev V, Klausner JD. A national survey of early treatment seeking behavior among those with incident SARS-CoV-2 infection. Respir Med Res.[...]
Ferretti C, Horwitz DA, Bickerton S, La Cava A. Nanoparticle-mediated Delivery of IL-2 To T Follicular Helper Cells Protects BDF1 Mice from Lupus-like Disease. Rheumatol[...]
Ladapo JA, Orstad SL, Wali S, Wylie-Rosett J, Tseng CH, Chung UYR, Cuevas MA, Hernandez C, Parraga S, Ponce R, Sweat V, Wittleder S, Wallach[...]
The road to becoming an attending physician in medicine and its subspecialties is a long one, with multiple transition points and competitive applications to achieve[...]
Khanna A, Dryden EM, Bolton RE, Wu J, Taylor SL, Clayman ML, Anwar C, Kasom D, McGowan M, Mullur RS, Bokhour BG, Hyde J. Promoting[...]
Poppens M, Davis J. Intralesional cidofovir for the treatment of recalcitrant periungual warts. J Dermatolog Treat. 2022 Dec 1:1-10. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2022.2154569. Epub ahead of print.[...]