General Internal Medicine
Kumar JV, Moss ME, Liu H, Fisher-Owens S. Re: Letter to the Editor of Public Health in response to 'Association……'? between low fluoride exposure and[...]
Copeland LA, Wolfe HL, Jackson SS, Buljubasic N, Kauth MR, Hashemi L. Treating Transgender and Gender-Diverse Veterans in the Veterans Health Administration: 23 Years of[...]
Crandall CJ, Chou S, Kim E, Ratnarajah D, Cook NR, Clar A, Sesso HD, Manson JE, LeBoff MS. Effects of Cocoa Extract Supplementation and Multivitamin/Multimineral[...]
Edwards GG, Moghanian B, Reback CJ, Schrode KM, Weiss RE, Harawa NT. Comparing PrEP use among men who have sex with men with a recent[...]
Gandhi S, Moss D, Sheppard RS, Omore I, Crowley F, Sheng T, Wu L, Cohen DJ, Smith CB. Examining the impact of specialty palliative care[...]
Xu KY, Jones HE, Martin CE, Smid MC, Tiako MJN, Terplan M, Krans EE. Perinatal Substance Use-Related Content at Major Addiction Scientific Conferences: An Analysis[...]
Li J, Bachu V, Shahrvini B, Baniqued M, Haghighat S, Mallepally NR. Expanding the Gastrointestinal Phenotype of 10p15.3 Microdeletion Syndrome: Refractory Atypical Gastroparesis in an[...]
Donovan A, Assari S, Grella C, Shaheen M, Richter L, Friedman TC. Early life stress and pubertal predictors of subsequent substance use in a national[...]
Kanis JA, Johansson H, McCloskey EV, Liu E, Schini M, Vandenput L, Åkesson KE, Anderson FA, Azagra R, Bager CL, Beaudart C, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Biver[...]
Thorpe RJ Jr, Gutiérrez Á, Archibald P, Thierry AD, Bruce M, Mills C, Norris K, Thomas Tobin CS. Race, Age, and Allostatic Load Among Men[...]