Digestive Diseases
ASGE Quality Assurance in Endoscopy Committee; Williams KN, May FP, Cummings LC, Srivastava N, Shahidi N, Kohansal A, Panganamamula K, Garg R, Singh A, Green[...]
Amrati FE, Lim A, Slighoua M, Chebaibi M, Mssillou I, Drioiche A, Di Cristo F, Al-Sheikh YA, Aboul-Soud MAM, Edderkaoui M, Bousta D. Unraveling the[...]
Aguilar D, Zhu F, Millet A, Millet N, Germano P, Pisegna J, Akbari O, Doherty TA, Swidergall M, Jendzjowsky N. Sensory neurons regulate stimulus-dependent humoral[...]
Juakiem WY, Singh K, Ofosu A, Ramai D, Persaud A, Tabibian JH, Rodrigues-Pinto E, Girotra M, Barakat MT. Tertiary Care Center Trends in Colonic Stent[...]
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Technology Committee; Das KK, Chen D, Akshintala VS, Chen YI, Girotra M, Han S, Kahn A, Mishra G, Muthusamy VR,[...]
Koretz RL. JPEN Journal Club 88. Determining the hypothesis of a study. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2024 Oct 10. doi: 10.1002/jpen.2696. Epub ahead of[...]
Corsetti M, Zerbib F, Black C, Shin A, Browning K, Christofi FL, Keszthelyi D. And also, the basic science team of Neurogastroenterology and Motility gets[...]
Syal G, Mishkin DS, Banty A, Lee S, Fontelera N, Hampton M, Ziring D, Fleshner PR, Melmed GY. Effectiveness of Oral Tofacitinib in Chronic Pouchitis:[...]
Dimopoulos-Verma A, Hong S, Axelrad JE. Enteric Infection at Flare of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Impacts Outcomes at 2 Years. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2024 Oct 3;30(10):1759-1766.[...]
Halegoua-DeMarzio D, Navarro VJ, Davis A, Ahmad J, Avula B, Barnhart H, Barritt AS 4th, Bonkovsky HL, Chen VL, Choi G, Fontana RJ, Ghabril MS,[...]