Armstrong AW, Elston CA, Elewski BE, Ferris LK, Gottlieb AB, Lebwohl MG; Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation.. Generalized Pustular Psoriasis: A Consensus Statement[...]
Armstrong AW, Warren RB, Zhong Y, Zhuo J, Cichewicz A, Kadambi A, Junqueira D, Westley T, Kisa R, Daamen C, Augustin M. Short-, Mid-, and[...]
Miwa H, Antao OQ, Kelly-Scumpia KM, Baghdasarian S, Mayer DP, Shang L, Sanchez GM, Archang MM, Scumpia PO, Weinstein JS, Di Carlo D. Improved Humoral[...]
Lee K, Uzzell J, Ceron S, Sarantopoulos G, Newsom E. Recalcitrant Indurated Cystic Nodule on the Abdomen: Challenge. Am J Dermatopathol. 2023 Oct 1;45(10):e86. doi:[...]
Lee K, Uzzell J, Ceron S, Sarantopoulos G, Newsom E. Recalcitrant Indurated Cystic Nodule on the Abdomen: Answer. Am J Dermatopathol. 2023 Oct 1;45(10):724. doi:[...]
Bennett RG. Why I'm Still Practicing. Dermatol Clin. 2023 Oct;41(4):679-682. doi: 10.1016/j.det.2023.05.001. Epub 2023 Jul 3. PMID: 37718027.
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I am constantly amazed by the reach and impact of our faculty in mentoring and training graduates in our residency programs, pre-college students and undergraduates.[...]
Bitterman D, Bitterman D, Sink J, Harfmann K, Hogeling M, Lauren CT, Morel KD, Castelo-Soccio L, Silverberg NB. Survey of pediatric dermatologist views on treatment[...]
Revankar RR, Blum F, Yeung H, Patel HA, Holahan H, Vedak P, Sayed CJ. Factors influencing patient experience during incision and drainage procedures in hidradenitis[...]