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Hong JM, Zhu C, Press MC. Sudden ST-Segment Changes in a Critically Ill Patient. JAMA Cardiol. 2023 Dec 6. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2023.4490. Epub ahead of print.[...]
Razavi AC, Kim C, van Assen M, De Cecco CN, Berman DS, Budoff MJ, Quyyumi AA, Vaccarino V, Miedema MD, Nasir K, Rozanski A, Fernandez[...]
Azad H, Wen T, Bello NA, Booker WA, Purisch S, D'Alton ME, Friedman AM. Peripartum cardiomyopathy delivery hospitalization and postpartum readmission trends, risk factors, and[...]
Leuchter RK, Gulhar R, Maynick JD, Dardick LD, Vorobiof G, Tabibiazar R, Yang RM, Sarkisian CA, Woo HE. Evaluation of an Electronic Health Record Tool[...]
Within the Department of Medicine (DoM) at UCLA, trainees are the heartbeat of our community. The medical students, residents, fellows, and postdocs who make up[...]
Cabrera-Mino C, DeVon HA, Aboulhosn J, Brecht ML, Choi KR, Pike NA. Neurocognition in adults with congenital heart disease post-cardiac surgery: A systematic review. Heart[...]
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Pelot NA, Vaseghi M, Reznikov L, Osborne PB, Conde SV. Editorial: Multiscale anatomy and biophysics of the autonomic nervous system: implications for neuromodulation. Front Neurosci.[...]