Year 2. December 27. Thank You.
2023 has given us much to celebrate in the department of medicine. I would like to take this opportunity to thank YOU for all that you do not only to advance our missions, but in building and sustaining a community of LEADERS where each person is celebrated and valued. The DoM is a very special place where I have had the privilege of being able to celebrate your accomplishments in research, education, and patient care over the past two years. As we plan for the new year, I am grateful to work alongside you in our mission to achieve our vision to lead in innovation, transform care, and advance health for all. We truly have the best team.
With that, I hope that you had a wonderful and restful holiday alongside your loved ones. A special thank you to those who provided the best care to our patients in our hospitals. See you in 2024!

I believe that the chief residents (the PEEPS) best embodied the season with their ugly sweaters and of course their card.

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