We are recruiting DoM Physicians for Study Regarding Effectiveness of Professional 1:1 Coaching

Josh Khalili, MD is conducting a study on the potential benefits of coaching. Individuals will be randomized to determine whether professional 1:1 coaching compared to professional small group coaching is effective in reducing physician burnout. Over the next 30 days, researchers are recruiting up to 90 actively practicing UCLA Department of Medicine physicians (regardless of specialty) with at least two years of clinical experience as faculty. The expected time commitment for participants is 6 hours (split into six, 1-hour Zoom sessions) over 3 months. Please click HERE or on the link below for further information and to complete the Qualtrics survey to determine eligibility and express interest in participation. 

Link: https://uclahs.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_elmcncStCjjkFyC

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