Planning for Our Future: Participate in the Survey
Dear Colleagues,
The department of medicine (DoM) has launched a strategic planning initiative that will guide our future direction over the next five years. As part of our planning, we are seeking input through a brief survey from all faculty, staff, and trainees who are part of the DoM community. Your ideas and opinions are important to us as we shape the new future for our department.
This survey should take no more than ten minutes to complete. Your answers are completely confidential and anonymous and cannot be connected to you personally in any way. In fact, the results will be compiled by an outside consulting firm, AMC Strategies, and presented to the DoM Strategic Planning Steering Committee in aggregate form at their planning retreat in late May.
Please complete the survey by Friday, April 28, 2023, at 5 pm PST. If you have any questions, please contact Libby Shin at
Thank you for your time and input as we shape the future of the department of medicine.
E. Dale Abel, MD, PhD
William S. Adams Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Chair and Executive Medical Director
Department of Medicine
David Geffen School of Medicine and UCLA Health
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