COVID-19 Vaccination and New Onset Glomerular Disease: Results from the IRocGN2 International Registry

Waldman M, Sinaii N, Lerma EV, Kurien AA, Jhaveri KD, Uppal NN, Wanchoo R, Avasare R, Zuckerman JE, Liew A, Gallan AJ, El-Meanawy A, Yagil Y, Lebedev L, Baskaran K, Vilayur E, Cohen A, Weerasinghe N, Petrakis I, Stylianou K, Gakiopoulou H, Hamilton AJ, Edney N, Millner R, Marinaki S, Rein JL, Killen JP, Rodríguez Chagolla JM, Bassil C, Lopez Del Valle R, Evans J, Urisman A, Zawaideh M, Baxi PV, Rodby R, Vankalakunti M, Mejia Vilet JM, Ramirez Andrade SE, Homan MP, Vásquez Jiménez E, Perinpanayagam N, Velez JCQ, Mohamed MMB, Mohammed KMG, Sekar A, Ollila L, Aron AW, Arellano Arteaga KJ, Islam M, Berrio EM, Maoujoud O, Morales RR, Seipp R, Schulze CE, Yenchek RH, Vancea I, Muneeb M, Howard L, Caza TN. COVID-19 Vaccination and New Onset Glomerular Disease: Results from the IRocGN2 International Registry. Kidney360. 2023 Mar 1;4(3):349-362. doi: 10.34067/KID.0006832022. PMID: 36996301.

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