Safety and Tolerability of MEDI0562, an OX40 Agonist mAb, in Combination with Durvalumab or Tremelimumab in Adult Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors

Goldman JW, Piha-Paul SA, Curti B, Pedersen KS, Bauer TM, Groenland SL, Carvajal RD, Chhaya V, Kirby G, McGlinchey K, Hammond SA, Streicher K, Townsley DM, Chae YK, Voortman J, Marabelle A, Powderly J. Safety and Tolerability of MEDI0562, an OX40 Agonist mAb, in Combination with Durvalumab or Tremelimumab in Adult Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Sep 1;28(17):3709-3719. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-21-3016. PMID: 35699623.

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