I have never felt so special Part-1


I got to heaven and was asked, “where did you come from”? I smiled and said I came from UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica, CA and smiled. I must say I have never felt so special in my life. I don’t say that lightly. My wife and I had been married for 49 years on February 16th. The last time we slept apart was 1986. When we found out we could stay together we knew everything was going to be okay. Everyone from my surgical team with Dr. Kim to the ladies that took out the trach and picked up the soiled linen was special to us. I could say especially Leti. She told us about the concert tickets her son had gotten her for Christmas and the concert was last weekend she was so excited and proud. It was so infectious we were proud of her son too. Then I would have to say so was Mija and we can’t forget Shelby London or Hanna, oh and Josette, Andrew, and Frank.

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